Back to school: start on new bases with your team

Coming back to the office after the Christmas and New Year holidays can be stressful as everyone remembers the end of the year under pressure. Change of pace and state of mind: you have to prepare. With good preparation, it is almost impossible for you to succumb to back-to-school stress. The ideal is to capitalize on all this energy to adjust the organization or implement other rules, all in a good mood. Here are 5 steps to achieve this.

1. Take the time yourself to redefine priorities

The day before the resumption at the latest, think about what is working or not in the entity. You need to set things straight in writing. Subsequently, identify accessible and achievable objectives within three months. You must therefore carefully choose the objectives that seem most achievable for your team, in other words, essential objectives for your company. Avoid planning for the long term, three months is more than enough. You must give your team the means to achieve their objectives and at the same time identify priority improvements: improve the flow of information, energize meetings, organize working groups, better share administration.

2. Engage everyone to get to work

The first day is crucial for your team. So you need to try to limit ‘holiday’ chatter. Everyone will surely have something to talk about and to avoid this, you must send them an email to wish them a good return then a second email to ask them what tasks they will tackle from today and in the future. week. You will thus channel their energy and excellent mindset to your advantage. So everyone gets to work without missing a beat. You can suggest meeting up the next day for a studious breakfast. You can also launch a new project, and explain the role of everyone.

3. Do “resumption interviews”

In order to maintain momentum, you need to find time to check in with everyone in the first week. The interview will last a minimum of 20 minutes. You will talk about what your employee still needs to do to become more efficient in order to refocus them on a more collaborative attitude. You can encourage the employee to contribute more to the project for which they are responsible and ask them to be proactive.

4. Maintain rigorous control

You need to think about this motto: “I only respect what I inspect”. In the spirit of conviviality, you can decide with the team to take 10 minutes every last Thursday of the month for example. For example, you will be around a coffee and a croissant to take stock. Also plan a follow-up to follow-up interviews. In the second week, at the end of the month, then later, evaluate everyone’s progress. Get straight to the point about missing meetings, being late in the morning or contributing to this or that topic.

Always be on the lookout for new ideas and new opportunities and during the holidays employees certainly thought about them. Take the opportunity to interact with them so that your exchanges are fruitful and you set off towards new, promising horizons.

5. Brainstorm with your teams

Nothing is more effective than carrying out a mind mapping to force each person on your teams to get involved and allow them to express new ideas. Find the flaws that prevent the company from developing brilliantly. Certainly, questioning for you may be painful but over time, it will become one of the pillars of development.