New financing solutions adapted to the needs of modern companies

The launch or development of a company requires access to funds. For this, entrepreneurs have several choices available to them. Accessible solutions allow you to start an activity or ensure its growth in a safe and lasting way.

Bank credit

In France, bank credit remains one of the most frequently used financing solutions by companies. A professional loan can be declined in several ways, favoring microcredit for small sums (or in the event of difficulties in obtaining a traditional credit), but most often investment and cash credits.

In 2024, the rate of obtaining investment credits was very high in France, around 96 % for SMEs and 97 % for ETIs. In terms of cash credits, the figures are also advantageous for companies, with positive responses obtained in 83 % of cases for small and medium -sized enterprises and in 96 % of cases for companies with more than 250 employees.

To finalize a credit in the best conditions, several online solutions can be recommended. The credit comparator is a free tool offered by many reference sites. It allows you to find more easily an offer corresponding precisely to your needs. In order to quickly obtain your credit, organizations offering offers 100 % online are a good choice. A credit request Can be carried out in a few minutes to carry out various projects.


For SMEs, another interesting option is today to turn to crowdfunding. The advantage of this solution is that it allows us to override the banking formalities to directly request the interest of the general public.

During the first half of 2024, more than 46,000 projects were able to be funded in this way according to the Collège Funder Functional of France Fintech, for a collection reaching a total of 830 million euros. Crowdfunding has thus become in a few years an essential ally for businesses, especially start-ups.

With the Crowdlending variant (companies borrow directly from individuals, including specialized platforms to attractive rates), crowdfunding is more than ever a viable solution for professionals.

Based Financing Based

Alternative to previous solutions, Revenue-Based Financing (RBF) can also be used in addition to these methods of financing.

This original model makes it possible to obtain funding based on the future income of the company, without risking a dilution of the capital. The funds are obtained in exchange for a percentage of the income released in the future. This very flexible funding method has the advantage of adjusting the amount of reimbursements to cash flow.

This option can be recommended for growing companies that seek to keep their autonomy. The RBF is currently one of the most promising financing solutions for start-ups and SMEs working in the digital sector.

To finance their activity, professionals have multiple solutions. These can be retained according to their type of structure as well as their needs. With an excellent acceptance rate, credit remains a safe bet for many projects.

