You have noticed that the number of business bankruptcies is increasing and therefore makes you reluctant to create your business. And find a profitable business idea which is the source of a lasting business is far from being as easy as some people think. Don’t let yourself be discouraged by the pessimistic atmosphere that reigns at the start of 2025 and move forward because luck favors the bold.
However, you have multiple skills
In addition, you feel like an entrepreneur. You dream of creating your business and getting started but you certainly have ideas but the ones that come to mind seem utopian. You have no idea? It is true that it is not always easy to find a business idea that is profitable…
Find the right idea
Not necessarily ambitious, a business idea must be valuable if you want it to become profitable. Your idea doesn’t have to be revolutionary. In addition to the nature of the idea, the success of your project and its viability, made a reality, depends on what you do with it…
It is better to have an idea that is less good than another but which you make the effort to transform into a profitable idea, than an innovative idea that you do not really exploit. Before Facebook, networks already existed…. Meetic is not the only dating site… Just like Google is not the one and only search engine that exists… And Perrier, do you think it’s the only soft drink on the market?
To summarize, there is no real need to create a major innovation in a given field. Sprinkled with a zest of originality, a cocktail of will and perseverance is required to make an idea THE good idea.
Being attentive, a sine qua non condition!
Listen in! Being attentive and listening to others has a didactic impact. Your entourage is a source that should not be neglected. Your ability to listen to them, analyze and understand their problems is essential. It makes it possible to identify the nature of a need, and therefore to anticipate an effective demand. You could propose an idea in line with their problems, and indirectly their request, offer them your help by providing solutions (product, service). To do this, it is obviously advisable to identify a recurring problem, that is to say, one that you often hear about and which poses a problem to many people around you. If this is the case, there is a good chance that this problem is also recurring among the population.
Ask yourself if people are willing to spend money on your product or service, if they search the Internet to find a solution to their problems, if your future potential customers have many other solutions when faced with them to solve their problems.
Examine the innovations
Look around you, but on a broader scale. In terms of innovation, certain countries seem more advanced than France. This is particularly the case for the United States and Japan. Import a concept from abroad and revolutionize France. To do this, you must rigorously keep yourself informed of all new business ideas around the world. Focusing on one or two countries on which many people are already focused is an idea, but opening it up to 195 countries could offer you up to 195 ideas!!!
Look for improvements to be made
You can also start from an existing idea and envisage an improvement policy. An innovative product is already present on the market but is not easy to use or seems, upon reflection, not to be completely finished. You think you can improve it, go for it! Keep in mind that many companies innovate a product. But a considerable number of companies focus on improving an already innovated product by analyzing its development prospects.
It goes without saying that to create a company around your business idea, you must be motivated. Why not simply find a business idea around your center of interest or one of your passions. What could be more fulfilling than building your business around a project that is truly close to your heart.
Buy an idea
Can’t think of an idea? Buy it! Today there is an online platform (like Inventive) set up by an innovative start-up allowing you to submit an idea and sell it. So you have the opportunity to buy an idea. You are allowed to test its economic potential.
From a technical point of view
Finding an offer idea that is profitable requires certain criteria. In addition to standing out from your competitors, you must ensure that your idea is not only feasible, but also that it is viable. To do this, you need to develop your marketing strategy.
Start by thoroughly defining your business, your field of activity, the exact nature of your product and/or service.
Then, define your customers, that is to say your target, as well as the type of offer you will offer. The idea is to offer a product and/or service that meets a demand. This assumes that the request is pre-existing. It is therefore not a question of creating demand but simply of responding to it. You can try to create demand but this presents a lot more risk, you are not sure that it will work with your target. To be sure you meet consumer demand, you obviously have to ask them. To do this, you can carry out polls, surveys, etc. You can use brainstorming to gather feedback from your team.
Some ideas…
Coaching for personal development, online accounting, restaurant/fast food, dating site for seniors, independent home seller, communications agency, domain name brokerage, sale of technological devices, writing and referencing of sites, care express aesthetics, organic cosmetic products, tourist guide, talent producer, real estate renovation, sale of sports equipment specialized by discipline, car-motorcycle rental, sale of luxury products on the internet, training services, sale of photos on the internet, lingerie and fashion, animation of blogs and forums, articles childcare, graphic design and printing, sale of an e-book, etc. And many others! What to do to finally get started…
Finally, build your business model. It is a question of analyzing your sales technique, the way in which you intend to go about selling your product and/or service. You must refer to a detailed analysis in relation to costs and revenues (suppliers, customer service, distribution, forecast turnover, etc.). This step is essential to setting up your profitability system.