Entrepreneur in 2025: What levers to adapt to a year of crisis?

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The economic complexity and the acceleration of crises redefine the rules of the entrepreneurial game in 2025. For the entrepreneurial component of our 2025 trend notebook, we receive Jean-Louis Bénard, CEO of Socialin order to highlight the strategies necessary to deal with these upheavals while capitalizing on emerging opportunities.

A rapidly changing saving: the challenge of agility

According to Jean-Louis Bénard, the current environment requires unprecedented organizational agility. “Companies must be configured to adapt quickly,” he says. Europe suffers from a contrasting dynamic, with a France stuck in wait -and -see, while North America and Apac display sustained growth.

The entrepreneur stresses that crises are now compared, forcing companies to anticipate and listen to low market signals. However, he deplores a French weakness: “We are very good at detecting slowdowns, but less to anticipate recovery. »»

Artificial intelligence: opportunity or threat?

Jean-Louis Bénard considers artificial intelligence (AI) as a key to increasing productivity without necessarily reducing the workforce. However, it alerts the differences between Europe and the United States in terms of adoption: “European companies are too cautious, which creates an increasing gap with their American counterparts. »»

Rather than multiplying experiments, it pleads for rapid deployment on a large scale: “The difficulty lies in the transition from the pilot to industrialization. This is where companies can really capitalize on AI. »»

Loyalty and upsell: strategic priorities

Faced with the saturation of traditional client acquisition channels, Jean-Louis Bénard insists on the importance of concentrating efforts on existing customers. “In times of crisis, to secure its customer portfolio and develop UPSELL must be absolute priorities. »»

It also highlights the role of “sympathy capital” in customer relations: “The proximity and quality of human interactions can make the difference in an ultra-competitive market. »»

Leadership and innovation: give perspective

For Jean-Louis Bénard, the role of the manager is essential in this troubled period: “It is crucial to give a clear perspective to the teams, based on simple and targeted messages. »»

Innovation is not limited to products or services, but also extends to pricing: “We must constantly innovate on the pricing model, especially in sectors like the Saas, where expectations evolve quickly. »»

Undertake in 2025: a delicate balance

Jean-Louis Bénard concludes on a pragmatic note: “Working its existing customers, innovating on offer and pricing, and listening to weak signals are the pillars to navigate 2025. Agility, both organizational and strategic, is not negotiable for Companies wishing to prosper in this rapidly changing world. »»