The greeting card, your communication tool

January, the month of wishes, is approaching! The means of communication, far from simplifying your task, make it more complex. Indeed, images, recordings, numerous models are at your disposal. Specialized companies offer to insert your logo… In short, it’s time to think about it. Whatever your professional activity, the greeting card is a unique opportunity to activate your network, strengthen your visibility, your brand image and your links with your customers and prospects. If this is traditionally sent at the beginning of the year, it is common to do it even at the end of the year in certain cultures in order to wish happy holidays.

Unlike Anglo-Saxon countries and Japan where cards are sent before Christmas, it is customary in France to send them in January.

The essential rules of greeting cards

Like any communication action, it must respect a few essential rules. An essential ritual and tool for differentiation, it expresses your values ​​and your positioning. It must be creative, personalized and respect your image.

It is also a special attention that you send to a person or a company. This is an opportunity to remind you of the latest news about your company, its professionalism and know-how.

The message you transmit must respect a balance. Have an impact, convey the values ​​and strengths of your company, without being too aggressive, commercial or offbeat.

Do not hesitate to spread your wishes widely.

To your customers, of course, to thank them and build their loyalty, but also to your professional contacts, your prospects, as well as your partners and suppliers.

This is a unique opportunity to reconnect with professionals. Particularly those you have lost touch with or with whom you have not worked during the year.

E-card or printed card?

Email has the advantage of being fast, interactive, inexpensive and more environmentally friendly.

On the other hand, the e-card generally appears more impersonal. It easily gets lost in the crowd or can quickly disappear among spam.

The printed card is more expensive but also more rare and personal.

Even if you don’t write your wishes by hand and use personification using well-established databases, it is also generally more time-consuming.

However, its impact and memorability are much greater. They generally show the interest your company has in its contacts. These are more affected by your attention.

In most cases, your card will remain on the desk for several days, unlike the e-card which only attracts attention for a few seconds and is very quickly destroyed when it is seen.

What type of card?

You can invest in a custom creation because the more quality it is, the more appreciated it will be. If you have a more limited budget, you can opt for a creation in a publisher or printer catalog.

However, make sure that it is consistent with your activity and your brand image by carefully observing the map down to the smallest details.

Another option: cards from Unicef ​​or Doctors Without Borders. Well chosen, they can be adapted to certain activities, for example consulting or B2B. They can also show that you support certain causes.

Be careful that they do not appear as an easy solution, nor out of step with your image.