Learn about profitable and legal businesses related to cannabis

The legal cannabis industry increasingly offers more business opportunities that are worth knowing about. There are quite a few people who have made the decision to undertake this sector that is experiencing a clear period of boomsince the European CBD market is expected to continue growing in the coming years.

What businesses can be profitable?

After many years of research on cannabis, there are many studies and projects in which it has been shown that there are many interesting properties of the plant itself, especially when it comes to the medicinal, scientific or therapeutic fieldwhich has favored the birth of businesses marijuana seeds or the hemp textile industry.

Of course, for the control of the plant itself, it is necessary to know well the products that can be generated in the field of manufacturing, registration, distribution and sale are legal and profitable as a business, according to Seedsman recommended by own experience in this sector.

Seed banks

Seeds are, as we said before, an interesting option, since They lack an active ingredient and are not classified as narcotics.so we are facing a totally legal activity.

All of this has led to the proliferation of seed banks and grow shops in our country. Furthermore, we are facing an ideal country to implement this type of business, all with great national and international projection.


There is quite a few companies that chose to invest in the field of cosmeticswhere among its ingredients you can talk about some kind of cannabis and that does not have narcotic or psychotropic substances.

An industry in clear expansion, since in addition the cosmetics that generate a The most loyal clientele that uses them to alleviate a series of chronic painsimprove skin or personal hygiene.

There are more and more physical stores in Spain and those that sell products online that have CBD, a component of cannabis, which has anti-inflammatory and anxiolytic effects that are very suitable for a host of pathologies, are also growing.

Foods with hemp

A business that is growing are stores, both in-person and virtual, that are dedicated to the sale of food products derived from industrial hemp. We are talking about products that are now trending and that are becoming more and more fashionable.

Foods derived from hemp are only those that come from hemp seeds, foods containing CBD are not allowedas long as they are varieties of Cannabis sativa L. with a THC content of less than 0.2%.

Among other examples of products we can talk about hemp oil, hemp flour, hemp protein, etc. Now it is possible to see how Even sweets or drinks are sold with these components.

Other interesting businesses

The cannabis and hemp sector has many possibilities to be successfully marketed, which makes it a good opportunity for many entrepreneurs to open to new markets as those mentioned, as well as food supplements, therapeutic productsetc.

The great versatility of the hemp and cannabis industry makes it a very original business opportunity, as long as you have the necessary knowledge and advice.