Often we hear my lawyer did not give me any news, he did not respond to my email … ‘and yet you count on him in delicate situations. It is first necessary to give him time to manage your file so that his action is effective. Patience is one of the qualities to acquire with a lawyer. However, always be vigilant and do not be too confident if silence becomes too long! Lucidity is essential.
Using a lawyer often proves to be a necessity but often the entrepreneur tends to solicit his services too late. However, in certain situations, it is necessary to use the services of a law professional.
Its essential role is to defend its customers, assert their interests and represent them in court. The lawyer, also called a defender, must provide his clients from his advice and write the necessary documents for legal business treatments.
Why request a lawyer?
Asking for a lawyer is always because he has an expertise that allows him to help you resolve the complex difficulties that your business encounters and which are inherent in his life.
The main reasons to request a lawyer are
- A dispute with an employee. Your employees can benefit from the free help of an advisor, even their union … Faced with the claims of an employee, it is better to think about offering the services of a law and not facing the whole administration…
- A dispute with a customer, who did not pay you, claims not to have been delivered or not delivered in time, for an order error, or that the quote does not correspond to the final invoicing because you have neglected to do a Endorsement after a change request …
- A dispute with a supplier that has not delivered you or delivered you in time. If there is an error on the goods, the call to a lawyer may be necessary …
- A dispute with the State for declarations of contributions, of company status …
What and the role of a lawyer?
The mission of a lawyer is not limited to the trial. He advises before (company status, tax declaration, etc.) a judicial confrontation. He can avoid you going through justice to negotiate on your behalf an arrangement preferable to a trial.
According to the public service website, the lawyer is in the ability to give legal consultations, write contracts or other Private deedshelp find an amicable solution in the event of a dispute.
He can also counterest acts under private seating and therefore perform in place of his client and even in their presence, any useful act before the various jurisdictions and with the various actors of justice. He represents his client to act in his place and in his name.
What court for what conflict?
All cases defended in court require the intervention of a lawyer.
If your problem is governed by the administrative court, you will have to request a specialist in administrative and/or tax law. The latter will also be able to assist you during a conflict with the Labor Administration (conflict with an employee in particular).
If the problem concerns a tribunal de grande instance, you will have to call on a specialist in civil or criminal law if you are, for example, accused of personal enrichment. You can also be advised within your company by your employers’ room, whether you are a customer or supplier, provided you join. The Chamber of Commerce and Trades in your department can also fulfill this function. No need to rush on the first comer, because the choice of a lawyer requires prior reflection. Do not hesitate to consult the website of the National Council of Bars in case of doubt.
How to choose your lawyer?
If the lawyer you are asking for in an incomprehensible legal jargon, do not necessarily think that it is a good sign. This is an error that many make. Instead of attaching yourself to the lawyer who uses all the possible legislative vocabulary, prefer someone who knows how to popularize information. A real professional will be able to be understood, to put yourself within your reach to verify that you fully accept his decisions, that you fully understand his approach.
If the lawyer in front of you knows everything about everything, never does any verification, it can be a bad sign. Know that despite a perfect knowledge of the law and case law, all serious professionals spend a minimum of time checking their words. The law is neither frozen nor innate, a detail may have been neglected or omitted.
Finally, transparency on fees remains essential. The prices set depend on many criteria (package, complexity of your business, renown of the defender, etc.). Remember to establish a comparison!
In conclusion, whatever the lawyer you take, a relationship of trust must be established with him. If you do not feel comfortable, it is better to consult another person before having to change during the procedure, because it costs your file more and harms.