Traditional job interviews are often marked by standard issues and well -established exchanges. However, the candidates are now well aware and it can be difficult to identify the candidate by remaining in the nails. This is why an increasing number of entrepreneurs and HR managers seek to break the codes by opting for more original job interviews. These so -called “unusual” interviews aim not only to assess the professional skills of candidates, but also to measure their creativity, their ability to adapt to unforeseen situations, or their personality in unusual contexts. But how do you succeed in an unusual interview without risking losing in seriousness or moving away from the goal? Here are some tracks to make your job interview for a while that is both unique and instructive.
Why opt for an unusual job interview?
Before embarking on an extraordinary job interview, you have to understand how this type of format can be beneficial. The purpose of the unusual interview is not to surprise the candidate for free, but to get him out of his comfort zone to observe his reactions in a less formal context. These interviews are designed to assess skills that are difficult to test in a more classic setting: creativity, responsiveness, stress management, or even emotional intelligence.
They also allow you to discover facets of the personality of a candidate who may not come out during a standard interview. A candidate may seem shy or reserved when he answers classic questions, but his creativity and his spontaneity may come out when he is invited to solve a puzzle or participate in a fun exercise. In addition, unusual maintenance can be an excellent way to mark the minds of candidates. It offers them a unique experience that demonstrates the originality and spirit of innovation of your business.
Types of unusual interviews: original and revealing exercises
Unusual job interviews can take several forms, depending on the company’s objectives and the position to be filled. Here are some ideas for original exercises to offer, with examples of French companies that have already experienced these formats:
The scenarios
Some companies choose to dive the candidate into unforeseen scenarios that simulate a challenge or a problem that he could encounter in his future position. For example, the company Blablacarpioneer in the carpooling sector, has already organized interviews in the form of role -playing games, where candidates had to resolve situations of conflict or emergency linked to customer service, while embodying different roles.
In this case, the company has Organized interviews where candidates had to simulate a situation where a passenger complains of a significant delay, being forced to be calm, patience and creativity to defuse the situation. This approach allowed the company to select profiles capable of keeping their cool pressure while being oriented towards customer satisfaction.
Creative tests
Another type of unusual interview is to ask the candidates to carry out a creative test. For this, there is no need to limit yourself to technical tests. For example, a company can offer a candidate to build an object from various materials or to resolve a visual enigma.
Decathlon, a famous company of sports articles, regularly organizes interviews where candidates must design a new product from recycled materials. This type of exercise makes it possible to test not only the creativity of the candidate, but also his ability to work in a team, to manage a project from A to Z and to think in terms of lasting solutions.
Outdoor interviews
An unusual job interview can also take place outside the walls of the company. Some companies opt for outdoor interviews, during walks or even sports activities. This allows you to disarm the candidate, reduce stress, and observe their ability to interact and think in a less formal setting. You still have to be careful in this type of maintenance if the company’s image is low because this method can quickly lead the candidate to think that your business is not professional.
The Dassault Systems group once organized a job interview surrounded by nature, on a hiking course. During the walk, the candidates were invited to answer questions while reflecting on solutions to resolve technical challenges. This approach enabled the company to assess leadership skills, problem solving and teamwork for candidates.
The ideal setting: between innovation and professionalism
Although unusual maintenance is, by definition, a little more offbeat, it is important to ensure that the approach remains professional and consistent with the culture of the company. For the experience to be successful, it is essential to properly prepare the interview upstream and set clear objectives regarding the skills to be tested. The goal is not to make maintenance too eccentric or risky, but to use creativity to assess human and professional qualities that may not come out during a traditional interview.
Here are some tips for a successful interview:
- Be transparent with the candidate: Explain upstream why you opt for an unusual format and make sure it is comfortable with this approach.
- Keep the goal in mind: Each exercise must meet a specific objective: test creativity, stress management, or adaptability, for example.
- Stay faithful to your business: The maintenance must reflect the culture and values of your business. If you are an innovative business, unusual interview is a great opportunity to make an impression. But if you are in a more traditional sector, avoid confusing your candidates too much.
- Test the exercise beforehand: Before using it for real maintenance, it is important to test the exercise to ensure that it is feasible, relevant and that it does not create confusion.
The advantages of unusual interview for the company
Opty for unusual interviews, companies benefit from several advantages. First, this type of interview attracts candidates capable of leaving the beaten track, often more creative and innovative. Then, it allows a better evaluation of soft skills: creative situations and tests allow you to better understand how a candidate reacts under pressure, his ability to work in a team, to solve problems, or to adapt to unforeseen situations. Finally, they participate in the strengthening of corporate culture. Indeed, an unusual interview is also a way to show candidates that the company values innovation and unconventional thinking.
Although unusual maintenance has many advantages, it also has limits. For example, some candidates may feel destabilized or uncomfortable in an overly offbeat setting, and their performance may not be representative of their real skills. It is also important to keep in mind that not all types of posts lend themselves to this kind of exercise. Unusual interviews are more suitable for creative positions, those requiring great responsiveness, or roles in innovative companies.