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Companies recruiting in French Tech in 2025: more than 510,000 jobs identified
Despite a slow economic context, players in French Tech and the innovation sectors are continuing their job creation dynamic. In 2024, companies in the sector will bring together more than 510,000 jobsup slightly compared to 488,860 recorded at the end of 2023according to a panel of more than 1,500 companies analyzed by our partner WE-INNOVATE.EU. This panel includes startups, SMEs, mid-sized companies and large groups, covering various sectors such as agriculture, space, quantum, biotech and even e-commerce.
25 companies leading recruitment
The most active companies this year include Dassault Systèmes, Believe, Ecovadis, Qonto, OVHcloud and Exotec. These organizations are among the leaders thanks to their ability to offer diversified opportunities in sectors such as IT, fintech, and greentech. The 25 leading companies, listed in this edition, are recruiting in various functions, from technical professions to more traditional positions adapted to the needs of innovative companies.
Top Recruiters 2025
# | Logo | Company Name | Career URLs |
1 | DASSAULT SYSTEMES | https://www.3ds.com/en/careers/jobs | |
2 | BELIEVE | https://careers.believe.com/en/ | |
3 | ECOVADIS | https://ecovadis.com/careers/ | |
4 | QONTO | https://qonto.com/en/careers | |
5 | OVHCLOUD | https://careers.ovhcloud.com/ | |
6 | EXOTEC | https://www.exotec.com/fr/carrieres/ | |
7 | PHOTOROOM | https://www.photoroom.com/company | |
8 | VERKOR | https://verkor.com/nos-offres | |
9 | PIGMENT | https://www.pigment.com/fr/careers | |
10 | DOCTOLIB | https://careers.doctolib.fr/ | |
11 | PRIVATE TRAVEL | https://www.people-voyage-prive.com/offers/ | |
12 | PAPERNEST | https://careers.papernest.com/ | |
13 | PENNYLANE | https://www.pennylane.com/fr/careers | |
14 | HOMA GAMES | https://www.homagames.com/careers | |
15 | BREVO | https://www.brevo.com/careers/ | |
16 | ALAN | https://alan.com/en/careers | |
17 | WEEZEVENT | https://weezevent.com/fr/nous-rejoindre/ | |
18 | HELLOWORK | https://carrieres.hellowork-group.com/ | |
19 | MISTRAL.AI | https://jobs.lever.co/mistral | |
20 | DOCAPOSTE | https://www.docaposte.com/nous-rejoindre | |
21 | SWAN | https://swanio.teamtailor.com/jobs | |
22 | BACKMARKET | https://jobs.backmarket.com/ | |
23 | PASQAL | https://careers.pasqal.com/fr/jobs | |
24 | BLABLACAR | https://jobs.blablacar.com/ | |
25 | MALT | https://careers.malt.com/ |
SMEs, the main engine of job creation
In 2024, companies counting between 100 and 250 employees represent the leading recruitment engine in French Tech. They are followed by large companies with more than 1,000 employeeswhich also recorded strong growth in terms of recruitment volume. Mid-sized companies (500 to 1,000 employees) also continue to play an important role in job creation.
Distribution by sector
The most represented sectors areIT (24%), followed by gaming (11%), martech (9%) and fintech (8%). There greentechalthough representing only 2%, is emerging as a strategic area. More traditional sectors, such as agriculture (1%) or health (6%), also benefit from significant traction due to their digitalization and disruptive innovation.
A sectoral series in preparation
FRENCHWEB.FR will unveil sectoral rankings throughout the first half of the year to identify the companies recruiting the most in specific fields such as agriculture, health and marketing, etc. These publications will highlight the employment dynamics specific to each sector and the companies recruiting in these areas.
If you want to promote your employer brand and give additional exposure to your job offers, do not hesitate to consult our media kit.
THE FW500 becomes FRENCHWEB 2025
It is on a new perimeter that the new model of the FW500 will be established, which on this occasion becomes the FRENCHWEB 2025. You can check the presence of your company in the database of European startups WE-INNOVATE.EU