Crown lifts 2 million euros to automate purchasing management processes

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Procurement is one of the last bastions of the company not to have fully benefited from advances in artificial intelligence and automation. Excel, Outlook and manual processes remain the privileged tools to manage budgets of several billion euros. Faced with these ineffectives, CrownStartup based in Paris, wants to transform the purchasing function with technology based on e-actions and the predictive analysis of negotiations.

A sector still dominated by manual processes

Procurement professionals manage thousands of transactions per year, involving suppliers to opaque price strategies and long and ineffective negotiation cycles. Today, less than 5 % of B2B purchases are made via electronic auctionswhile these tools make it possible to speed up transactions and introduce a structured framework.

Crown wants to go further than conventional e-actions. His ambition is to create A series of tools integrating artificial intelligence To optimize the entire purchase cycle:

  • Pre-negotiation analysis : Identify the purchasing categories where competition is relevant.
  • Auction automation : Define the optimal auction type and structure the rules according to the price history and the behavior of suppliers.
  • Post-negotiation : Analyze market trends, detect supplier pricing strategies and anticipate the next discussions.

Towards a new era of the AI ​​Assisted Procurement

Crown’s goal is clear: transform negotiation into a structured, fair and measurable process. Unlike historical practices, where auctions were essentially used to reduce prices, The startup is focusing on transparency and optimization of decisions.

Its system allows buyers of visualize in real time the evolution of offers, to anticipate supplier strategies and to conclude transactions faster. For suppliers, the issue is also major: better readability of the allocation criteria and the fairer opportunities to access the markets.

To structure his project, Crown has just raised 2 million euros in pre-seed. The round of table was led by Heartfeltwith the participation of Kima Ventures, Backbone Ventures, Another.VC, Apok Invest, Zas Ventures, Prequel VC and Bpifrance.

Crown was founded by Mykyta Voyenkoa recognized expert in the field of purchases and the supply chain. Born in Kyiv, Ukraine, and today based in Paris, he has Over 15 years of experience in the management of international purchases.

Before launching Crown, He led strategic initiatives for leading groups like Nestlé, Engie and Sanofiwhere he supervised more 300 electronic auctions For large companies in the FMCG sector. He also teaches purchasing strategies at Kedge Business Schoolin one of the most prestigious programs in Europe in this area.