With our partner Salesforce, unify sales, marketing and customer service. Accele your growth!
Founded 12 years ago by William Boiché And her father, Clementine gradually imposed himself as an actor who counts on the chessboard of online accounting in France. Very discreet, installed next to Nancy, the startup has remained independent and profitable since its creation. Clementine account today marks a new step with its acquisition by TeamsystemEuropean player in accounting management and billing.
A 100 % bootstrapé model
Clementine is one of these examples in the French entrepreneurial landscape: the company has never lifted funds. As we explained by his founding CO William Boiché in our Podcast Frenchweb Business, its development plan has created a platform in line with the expectations of its users while passing different growth levels to reach a stable base of 10,000 customers without having to raise funds.
From profitability to integration into a European group
By getting closer to teammsystem, Clementine is entering a new phase of its development. This rapprochement is part of the Italian group’s strategy, which wishes to accelerate its expansion in France. With its 2 million customers and an annual turnover of 850 million eurosTeamsystem provides Clementine with the resources necessary to continue its ascent in a rapidly changing sector, in particular with the generalization of electronic invoicing.
A new adventure awaits William Bohey in cybersecurity
William Boichéits co -founder, decided to give in the reins to Maximilien Saint-Dizierformer commercial director and key figure of the company. At 35, William Boiché turns the Clementine page to embark on a new project in the field of cybersecurity, focused on language models for artificial intelligence (LLM). “Clementine was my pride for more than 12 years, but I am ready to take up new challenges”