10 tips for successful visiting cards

The business card, far from being a cheesy object, still has its use. Indeed, it will not be drowned in the file of your mobile but will impose itself by its presence. At the age of all, digital and planetary world, international exchanges, networking and the business card on which your contact details are always essential! Today, many options are available to embellish your visiting cards and stand out. So how do you make others want to look at it and especially to keep it?

A business card but you will wake up “I have my mobile” And “ I send you my contact details by email ». These after a conference will blame themselves in emails and difficult for your interlocutor to remember you, unless he has some interest in looking for you. In Japan, it is one of the uses of politeness and in many Internet countries is not constantly within everyone’s reach and at every moment is especially at the right time. Without business card, which gives your function and your title, You will be discredited. The business card is therefore to be studied from all its seams and therefore according to the customs of each country.

With each situation, stop thinking according to your personal habits, adapt to your interlocutor and present him a business card which will hold his attention and which will allow him to remember you!

A question of size

First of all, be aware that the standard size of a visit card is 8.5 x 5.4cm. And on this point, it is better not to want to do too much in originality. Some sites offer new forms (larger, square, etc.) but keep in mind that the format has not been standardized for nothing. It corresponds to the size of a bank card and will therefore be more suitable to be inserted into any wallet or card holder. A too large business card will be folded, lost or thrown because bulky.

Horizontal or vertical?

Regarding orientation, think that most everyday cards are horizontal so it remains the most natural in the eyes of your interlocutors. You will rather opt for the horizontal if you are a business manager, manager, journalist … Nothing forbids you to test the vertical card. The information must then be placed under each other. This original side can be welcome if your business offers an atypical product or services.

The back of the card

Some cards can be written both on the front and on the back. How to know if that would suit you? To answer this, list the number of information that will appear on your business card. In general, a recto is enough to place the information about you and regarding your business. The back allows you to add it provided that they are useful such as prices if you sell a particular product, the activities of the company if they are multiple, the schedules if they are particular … but know that the Interlocutor sometimes uses the back of the card to take some notes. You therefore need a real need to insert additional information on the back. Keep in mind that it is important although it can ventilate the text for easy reading and an impression of clarity. Finally, avoid the text too close to the edges of the card, a margin shows more elegance.

Think of readability

Opt for a simple, sober writing font (Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial, etc.) and do not use more than two different sizes on the same card. On the other hand, you can play with the size: do not put all the information in the same size, this allows it to be borne. And choose a minimum size of 7.5 pt. To stand out here, vary between italics and fat. And the larger fonts must correspond to the important elements.

Finished the era of black and white

If your business has a graphic charter, it is advisable to apply it in order to keep a certain visual consistency. Use color but in moderation. The background of color must be quite meaningful and recall the sector of activity (green for landscapers, gray for the building, yellow for bakers, etc.). This contributes to creating a pleasant atmosphere for the recipient.

A card that is worth gold

Prefer a quality paper, with a pleasant touch. It is important and gives a good image of you and your business. Choose a matt or shiny paper (often more expensive than a standard quality but it is worth it). The varnish of business cards with a shiny finish gives them a high -end appearance. Note that it is also possible to use “selective varnish” that you choose to apply only on certain elements of your card (image, logo, etc.).

The most recent websites can also offer you other materials (leather, rubber, etc.), in order to make you look different from others but do not fall into the trap of wanting to “do too much”. It will no longer be a business card but an advertising object, which can be too bulky and unwelcome. Prefer the traditional but which rhymes here with rational. Banom printing and cutting “house” and too fine paper (often low -end, inexpensive on sites).

The choice of information

Your business card must quickly provide information on its owner, its brand, but that should not be transformed into a commercial brochure. It is well known: too much information kills information. So you have to select and especially that you hierarchis! A so -called classic card is supposed to indicate the company name of your business, your name and first name, your function and your contact details. You can register both those to join the company and your direct contact details. The e-mail address and the mobile phone number are essential and you can also add the address of the company’s website. If possible describe in two or three words under the name of the company what is called your “unique selling proposition”, that is to say the argument that makes your company different from others …

Adding images

If you have a logo have it appeared on the map, it is the visual element that allows your interlocutor to remember you and your business at a glance. If this is not the case you have the possibility of choosing a graphic element in the database of websites. But be careful not to fall into the cliché of the trowel to represent the building. It is not very original. Prefer a photo taken by your care, reflecting your business (a building under construction for example). Adapt the size of the logo or image so that it does not crush the text.

A personalized card

Remember that you can make several cards. Information may not be the same according to your recipient (customer, investor, etc.). Instead of absolutely wanting to put everything, adapt your information and do not make a “Passe-Partout” card. For a customer you can highlight the services offered, the products you sell … and for an investor, prefer the addition of information on the entrepreneur and the project.

A 2.0 card

Last advice: today communication goes a lot through digital. Even if the business card still has good years ahead of it, show that you are adept at new technologies and enrich your card with a QR code which will allow the recipient to be able to access directly from its smartphone or tablet to your website or to your professional profile. The dedicated sites invite you to do so quickly and free, and you are sure to be original and at the cutting edge of technology.

And don’t forget to comply with the uses of each country!